Apr 15, 2023365 Days of failure?Five years ago this month, I started a blog project I called 365 days. As I'd started my writing career, I'd spent every writing day...
Jan 2, 2023How Metta Reduces the Risk of ArmbarsOne of the things I want to do more of this year is practice mettā. For those of you who might not know, mettā is a Buddhist concept of...
Dec 11, 2022Tough Day? Consider Murderball…I imagine myself sometimes having a really tough problem. The days are bad. Something has happened at work, or on the road, or with a...
Dec 8, 2022Still Water Reflecting StarsWe have such little peace in our lives. Corporations claw at our attention. Pundits glower at us from networks far away and command us...
Nov 27, 2022Sitting Beside the River that Tried to Drown Me I find myself wondering what to write about tonight. I promised myself I’d write a blog post every Wednesday and every Sunday, but I...
Nov 23, 2022Creating Our Own Misery... MOVE YOUR CAR!!!I’m a good driver. I typically let people in, I don’t speed, and I haven’t been in an accident in a long, long time (knock on wood). In...
Nov 20, 2022Returning to the MountainI’ve been away from my blog for over 4 years. I haven’t published a book in 8 years. During that time, I’ve watched time slip away as...
Jul 1, 2019Carrying WeightRecently I had the privilege to take part in a 100lb rucksack march to support Camp Patriot, a charity working to assist disabled...